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Website of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash©2006-2024
The Contents of , , are ©Copyright of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash 2006-2024

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the material in this site without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts (up to 60 words) and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash ( with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All photographs and sketches, until otherwise stated, are by Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash

© 2006-2024 Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash -

Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

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Gone but not forgotten

You were everything for us for all those glorious 99 years and 8 months.

When we were preparing to celebrate the 'century', you chose to leave this earth just a couple of months earlier but to bless us all from the heaven far above.

Elle idhale'yu engava kumbidichu
[Bless us all from where ever you are]

First Death Anniversary (13-7-2012)

Idyammal Bellie Gowder
BornSeptember 05, 1912
Hubbathalai, The Nilgiris
DiedJuly 13, 2011 (aged 99)
ParentsRao Bahadue HJ Bellie Gowder and Nanji Hethe
Sister ofRao Bahadur HB Ari Gowder
SpouseB.K.Bellie Gowder [Bearhatti]

MOM 5.jpg

[Autographed pencil sketch of Mom by JP in 1964 while she was reading Femina ]

"I know my mother looks much older than what she is .....but those wrinkles [on her hands] have the charm of their own for they are the signsof her great endurance and hard life she has to lead ...... to bring her children to live - respected and regarded by others" - JP 24-1-68

Dear Hands
[Grace Noll Crowell]

My mother's hands were beautiful,
They are not always smooth and white
They were so busy making dull
And lusterless things clean and bright.
They reached so often to caress
A hurt child crying in the night
They moved as quick as fluttering birds
Among the cups and spoons at tea
They did a thousand lovely things
And did them all so graciously
There is no way to sum them up
The countless things she did for us.

[photo of  Idy Hethe's hand by her grandson Abhi Ari -2010]

 A tribute to my mother

 Your gentle guidance has immeasurably influenced all that I have done,
 all that I do,
 and all that I will ever do.

Your sweet spirit is indelibly imprinted on all that I have been,
all that I am,
and all that I will ever be.

Thus, you are a part of all that I accomplish
and all that I become.
And so it is that when I help my neighbor,
your helping hand is there also.

When I ease the pain of a friend,
 they owe a debt to you.
When I show a child a better way,
either by word or by example,
you are the teacher once removed.

Because everything I do reflects values learned from you,
any wrong that I right,
any heart I may brighten,
any gift that I share,
or burden I may lighten,
 is in its own small way a tribute to you.

Because you gave me life,
and more importantly,
lessons in how to live,

you are the wellspring from which flows all good I may achieve in my time on earth.

 For all that you are and for all that I am,

[David L Weatherford]

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