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Website of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash©2006-2024
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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the material in this site without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts (up to 60 words) and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash ( with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All photographs and sketches, until otherwise stated, are by Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash

© 2006-2024 Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash -

Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka


“ Ghanda ebbane buddi illay-buddi bappane ghanda illay-Wisdom did not come when husband was alive; when wisdom came husband was not there-கண்ட இப்பனெ புத்தி இல்லெ; புத்தி பப்பனெ கண்ட இல்லெ.” - Doddharu Shloka

Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

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A letter from Renuka Girish [Bangalore]

Dear Sir,
I found your site very interesting.  And I am very much interested in learning Badaga language and culture, please do send me the updates of the same. I came to know about Badagas only a few months back from one of my colleague who is from Kotagiri. And would love to see your Hethe Habba, once possible.

Renuka, [a fashion designer settled in Bangalore].

Hello Renuka, Thanks for your comments. There are no books, so far and to my knowledge, to learn Badaga. However, if you go through the many links I have given, including the one on Badaga Language, may be that would help. If you know Kannada, then it is much easier. Hethe Habba was just over. You are most welcome to come and see Hethe Habba which will fall in Dec 2012 or Jan 2013. With best wishes - Wg Cdr JP

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