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Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

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Let us call ourselves as Badagas speaking Badaga/Badagu

Naren ( has sent me the following email through a comment and raised a very important issue of urgent nature :

Sir, Thank you for a such wonderful site. Though a regular reader of this site, I have yet to comment on such wonderful  info in these blogs.

It is evident that caste enumeration is conducted now in Tamil Nadu. Each and every caste is trying to mobilize and clarify nature of the sub-sects of their caste during enumeration. Is there any awareness created in the community in respect of how to answer the caste enumeration. Is it necessary for Badagas to state their sub sect like Haruva, Badaga, Thorraya during the enumeration?

I hope you will create the awareness in the above aspect.

Thank you very much Naren.

Since the 1981 census Badagas are not shown as a separate community but have been clubbed with 'Kannada Speaking groups'. This, to say the least, is - atrocious. Badaga is a separate and unique community with rich language and 'richer' rituals, customs and traditions.

Now is the chance for us to proudly say that we are Badagas (Badagar) and our mother tongue is Badaga ( Badagu). The other important issue about sub sect :- our history has quite a few instances where we, as a community, divided ourselves into Odaya,Haruva, Badaga, Kanakka, Adikari,Thoraya etc and created a lot of bad blood. (I am surprised, though, to learn that Thorayas are given the MBC classification while Badagas come under BC,) let all those who speak Badaga (Badagu) be considered as Badagas (Badagar).

I have just spoken to the  General Secretary and Treasurer of the Coonoor Badaga Welfare Association about this and have been promised that they have already put out ads in local TV and soon in the news papers to request all Badagas to give, when the caste census is taken, their cast as BADAGAR and mother tongue [language] as BADAGU when the caste enumeration is undertaken. This applies to all  Badagas wherever they reside, be it in the hattis, towns or cities.

So, all you  Proud Badagas out there, please ensure that we give our identity [caste/'jathi'] as BADAGA(r) and Languge spoken as BADAGU/Badaga

- Wg Cdr JP

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