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© 2006-2024 Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash -

Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

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Badagas in Majestic Madurai

Raghu Joghee (Photo Journalist with Dinamalar) published this in Facebook - Badagas Group.

My (Wg Cdr JP) take on this :

Great to see the photos with all the participants [excepting, sadly, the hormonium player] in traditional badaga dress. The ladies look very gracious with chinnadha geray (border) mundu - thundu [without thankfully a red ribbon on the pattu and as 'satta'].

Why are we still blindly accepting [and feeding the journos] that we have migrated from Mysore during Vijayanagara Empire? At best, this 'twisted' tale of history is the perception of few historians including a neo lot of Badaga authors. What we know about Badaga Origin is very limited. I claim without hesitation that we are one of the original inhabitants of the Nilgiris.

I can 'see' some self styled 'Badaga' champions questioning me - 'what proof do you have?'.
See my detailed disclosure in

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