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Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

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Dr.Haldorai, a Badaga who has authored many books on Badaga

In our eagerness to know about ourselves [Badagas], many times, we highlight the work done by other researchers from abroad and tend to forget our own Badaga scholars who have done a lot on EVERY THING BADAGA.
One such scholar is Dr.Haldorai from Kiya Cowhatty. Though I have heard about him, I could not get to read any one of his books [there are many in English and Tamil] till recently. Saravana Raju of Karimora, a gifted and talented youngster with great many original ideas,got me many of his books.
Though I have had a cursory glance at his books, I am yet to make a detailed study. But one thing I am sure about. We may or may not  agree with all his views and interpretations but definitely, cannot ignore them.
He has been kind enough to respond to my emails and sent me a few exclusive articles and I have great pleasure in putting them up [uncensored] in this page. Yes, I feel he deserves a page for himself.
I will be adding more info in future.
Take a look on Dr.R.K.HALDORAI M.O.L., M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D, here

Articles by Dr.Haldorai

akka  bakka

                The institution of akka bakka is about thirty nine and above main villages of the Badagas, and essentially a patri local cult – seat. akka bakka structure consist of three components viz. hebbAyilu, karukambu and ajjugUDu. The hebbAyilu consists of two upright stone pillars with a connecting beam on top. In olden days this structure was erected with wooden posts. HebbAyilu means big or main enterance and it is enterance for not only akkabakka but to a particular village as well. Once as a rule village houses were built behind this structure. karukambu is an upright wooden post measuring about three feet and it represents Badagas earlier occupations. The third one is ajju gudu, sometimes it is called ajjigUDu, a dwelling place about three feet high constructed with stone slabs
 akka bakka is basically head quarter of a clan and it is governed by rules of exogamy. At present it acts as a ritual place or ceremonial yard. Only a village having akka bakka is the head or main village of Badagas and called as uur(village). Besides this devvamane (ancestral house)  is also important feature of Ur. Each such main village has ten or fifteen (even more) hamlets called haTTys. At the same time in exception cases even a single village may have the status of Ur and has akka bakka. The annual harvest festival, devvahabba celebration starts at this place. During other occasions such as he the festival too akka bakka gets special attention. Badagas are dependent upon agriculture. Men and women are nearly equal participants in agricultural pursuits. Hence agriculture gets the central place in the economic activity of the Badagas and their festivals are centring around this. From the beginning economy of Badagas has been found to be mixed one and their stage does not provide for any specialization of function. They followed variety of occupations to eke out of their subsistence. Honey gathering, hunting, rearing of buffaloes, shifting cultivation are the prominent. However agricultural and pastoral activities surpassed all.
 The term akka is a corrupt form of Tamil akkam, which means grain and bakka means wide open place or esplanade. Hence the compound word akka bakka expresses the meaning of a place where grains pooled after harvest. Once Badagas were barley and millet cultivators and mostly they had done on a common venture. During that part of time akka bakka got special attention. At present they abandoned millet cultivation all together. However to mark their tradition few ears of barley are placed during harvest festival. However akka bakka became relic and worshiped.

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