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Website of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash©2006-2024
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© 2006-2024 Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash -

Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

☂ ☂☂☂☂☂ ☂

A letter from Prof.Paul Hockings

As I have mentioned elsewhere, Prof.Paul Hockings should be credited for doing a lot of research on Badagas [and Nilgiris]. He has published many books on both. Though priced on the higher side, his book ' A Badaga - English Dictionary' written along with Raichoor is a must read for all Badagas.

(See the page on Research for more)
So, it was a pleasant surprise to receive an email from him informing about his new books.


Dear Wing-Commander,

I have just finished writing a new book on the Badagas, "So Long a Saga", which is a 400-page book on the social history of the Badagas from 1565 to 2012. ....[the book may take some time to be published and released- Wg Cdr JP]

I also attach a notice about my other recent book, "Encyclopaedia of the Nilgiri Hills".

With best wishes,
Paul Hockings


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