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Website of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash©2006-2024
The Contents of , , are ©Copyright of Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash 2006-2024

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the material in this site without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts (up to 60 words) and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash ( with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All photographs and sketches, until otherwise stated, are by Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash

© 2006-2024 Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash -

Badaga proverbs ♣♣♣...♥♥♥

Dhoddaru Shloka



Chosen by Wg Cdr JP

☂ ☂☂☂☂☂ ☂

You are always in our thoughts !

Second Death Anniversary (13-7-2013)
Idyammal Bellie Gowder
You were everything for us in all those glorious 99 years and 10 months when you were 'here'.
As we were preparing to celebrate the 'century', you chose to leave this earth just a couple of months earlier...two years  ago.
How time flies!
Elle idhale'yu engava harachu
[Bless us all from where ever you are]
MOM 5.jpg Idyammal Bellie Gowder
Born September 05, 1912 Hubbathalai, The Nilgiris
Died July 13, 2011 (aged 99 years 10 months)
Parents Rao Bahadue HJ Bellie Gowder and Nanji Hethe
Sister of Rao Bahadur HB Ari Gowder
Spouse B.K.Bellie Gowder [Bearhatti]

[Autographed pencil sketch of Mom by JP in 1964 while she was reading an issue of Femina ]
"I know my mother looks much older than what she is but those wrinkles have the charm of their own. They indicate the signs of her great endurance; and the hard life she has to lead through to bring her children to lead a life that is respected and regarded by others" - JP 24-1-68
Dear Hands
[Grace Noll Crowell]
My mother's hands were beautiful, They are not always smooth and white They were so busy making dull And lusterless things clean and bright.
They reached so often to caress A hurt child crying in the night They moved as quick as fluttering birds Among the cups and spoons at tea
They did a thousand lovely things And did them all so graciously There is no way to sum them up The countless things she did for us.
[photo of Idy Hethe's hand by her grandson Abhi Ari -2010]

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